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[accordion class=’accord1′ active=’1′] [slide name=”Accordion 1 title 1″]You can make this slide open by default by using active=’1′[/slide] [slide name=”title 2″]slide content 2[/slide] [slide name=”title 3″]slide content 3[/slide] [/accordion] [accordion class=’accord2′ active=’2′] [slide name=”Accordion 2 title 1″]slide content 1[/slide] [slide name=”title 2″]You can make this slide open by default by using active=’2′[/slide] [slide name=”title 3″]slide content 3[/slide] [/accordion] Non Accordion Style

What's the difference between site templates and WordPress themes

Site templates ( No WordPress ) : :

To customise them, you have to edit the html code for site templates, whereas in WP you have a CMS

I upload the plugin through the WordPress admin, but it gives me a error

This can be a problem with your host / .htaccess file / wp install. Best bet is to manually unpack the plugin zip, access your ftp server ( with FileZilla ) and copy the unzipped plugin in your wp-content/plugins folder

What's a WordPress category ID

Go to Posts > Categories and you’ll find the ID in the link that goes to the specific category, as shown in the below picture.

How do I enable Custom Fields in the Post

Find the screen options field




and enable what fields you want



Accordion Style

Accordeon Title 4

Content Area

Accordeon Title 5

Content Area

Accordeon Title 6

Content Area

Accordeon Title 7

Content Area

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